- Novel Oxygenation Technique for Hypothermic Machine Perfusion of Liver Grafts: Validation in Porcine Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD) Liver Model
- Intermountain Healthcare—Days of Using Coolers to Transport Organs May Soon Be Over
- Outcome of liver transplantation with grafts from DBD donors treated with D-HOPE
- Hypothermic machine perfusion for liver graft preservation
- Discover Magazine—The People Making Organ Transplants More Efficient
- Hypothermic Machine Perfusion as a National Standard Preservation Method for Deceased Donor Kidneys
- Saint-Luc—World first: new technique for preserving kidney grafts
- MedTech Insight—Organ Transplant Surgery Has Advanced – Organ Storage Should Too
- Gift of Hope Collaboration—Kidney Perfusion Videos
- Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Business Wire—LifePort Kidney Transporter Awarded Exclusive Contract for Kidney Transplant Preservation Services in Belgium
- Business Wire—Organ Recovery Systems’ LifePort Liver Transporter Preserves First Livers for Transplant as Part of the PILOT Continued Access Study
- Therapeutic Hypothermia or Hypothermic Machine Perfusion (HMP) which is best for Kidney Transplant Outcomes?
- Changing liver utilization and discard rates in clinical transplantation in the ex-vivo machine preservation era
- David’s Transplant Journey
- Fox19—UC Health Performs First Cold Pump Liver Transplant
- The first use of hypothermic machine perfusion in Korea to recover a procured kidney graft and prevent prolonged cold ischemic time: a case report
- LifePort Liver Transporter by Organ Recovery Systems Wins Fast Company’s 2023 Innovation by Design Award in the ‘Health’ Category
- Decreased incidence of DGF in a high-DGF population
- LifePort Liver Transporter by Organ Recovery Systems Achieves 100 Perfused Livers in Continued Access Study
- First clinical kidney transplantation series using brief bubble and direct surface oxygenation as alternative for membrane oxygenation during HMP
- Intermittent Surface Oxygenation Results in Similar Mitochondrial Protection and Maintenance of Aerobic Metabolism as Compared to Continuous Oxygenation during Kidney HMP
- Brief Bubble and Intermittent Surface Oxygenation Is a Simple and Effective Alternative for Membrane Oxygenation During Hypothermic Machine Perfusion in Kidneys
- Portable hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion for organ preservation in liver transplantation (PILOT™): A randomized, open-label, clinical trial*
- Local12—Machine perfusion leading to more organ viability for liver transplants
- Overcoming the longest cold ischemia time seen in Korea using HMP in deceased donor kidney transplantation
- Use of Machine Perfusion to Increase the Number of Expanded Criteria Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants: A Pharmacoeconomic Analysis
- Cold Ischemia Time and Delayed Function in Kidney Transplantation: A Paired Kidney Analysis
- Impact of Warm Ischemia Time on DCD Kidney Transplant Outcomes
- ASTS Winter Symposium
- The Impact of Hypothermic Pulsatile Machine Perfusion Versus Static Cold Storage on Delayed Graft Function
- US Study Shows Significantly Lower Rates of DGF and Better Graft Survival in Machine Perfused Compared with Cold Stored Kidneys (N=52,052)
- Hypothermic Machine Perfusion — Cost-Effective Compared with Cold Storage
- 1-Year Kidney Transplant Outcomes Superior with Pressure-Driven Machine Perfusion
- Machine Perfusion or Cold Storage in Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplantation
- HMP provides safe and reliable preservation of “orphan” livers
- Diagnosing the Decades-Long Rise in the Deceased Donor Kidney Discard Rate in the United States
- Improved post-transplant resistive indices and long-term function in DCD kidneys preserved by HMP
- Machine Perfusion Decreases Delayed Graft Function in Donor Grafts With High Kidney Donor Profile Index
- Machine Perfusion versus Cold Storage for Preservation of Kidneys from Expanded Criteria Donors after Brain Death
- To Pump or Not to Pump: A Comparison of Machine Perfusion vs Cold Storage for Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation
- LifePort Mobile App Clinical FAQ References
- Pulsatile Perfusion Reduces the Risk of Delayed Graft Function in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants, Irrespective of Donor Type and Cold Ischemic Time
- A Retrospective Propensity Score Matched Analysis Reveals Superiority of Hypothermic Machine Perfusion over Static Cold Storage in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation
- Hypothermic Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation
- LifePort Offers Gentle, Pressure-Controlled Pulsatile Perfusion
- Renal Resistance Trend During HMP Is More Predictive of Postoperative Outcome Than Biopsy Score
- Renal Resistance Thresholds During HMP and Transplantation Outcomes
- Evolving Trends in Machine Perfusion for Liver Transplantation
- Evaluation of outcomes in renal transplantation with hypothermic machine perfusion for the preservation of kidneys from expanded-criteria donors
- Early Experience with Hypothermic Machine Perfusion of Living Donor Kidneys
- Optimal Donation of Kidney Transplants After Controlled Circulatory Death
- What factors are associated with delayed graft function in a Brazilian cohort?
- Hypothermic Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation — A Randomized Trial
- HMP of Kidneys Compensates for Extended Storage Time: A Single Intervention With a Significant Impact
- UNOS Insights—The Hypothermic Option
- Gift of Life Family House—Supporter Spotlight
- University Hospital—University Hospital Performs First Transplant with Machine Preserved Liver in the State of New Jersey
- KSLTV—Doctors Testing New Liver Transplant Transport System
- ABC12 News—Organ Transplant Goes Hi-tech
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